Pre-Professional Program & Performance Company, 7 yrs & up
Fall Schedules for 2018-19 will be updated after auditions on August 4th

By Audition Only - Ages 7 years & Up
Pre-Professional Programs and Performance Company are a group of dancers that show potential and passion for dancing. These dancers are selected by
auditioning every year. During these auditions dancers are picked and placed in the appropriate level program and team. They are required to take more classes weekly to improve their technique and skills throughout all the styles of dance. Members must attend their scheduled classes and must attend all rehearsals. Any classes missed must be made up, and will be made up in the level below. Anyone with excessive absences may be asked to leave the program or company. Performance groups are a single unit and one person's absence effects the group.
Performance Teams will perform at the Sarasota Holiday Parade, Downtown Disney and will compete and 1 competition. Being a member of the pre-professional program or company is a privilege and honor at the studio and does require dedication and commitment. Members dance a lot and work hard but love every minute of it.
Fall Schedules for 2021-2020
will be updated after auditions on August 4th
Hollywood (8-10) Level 2/3
4 hours per week
Each week consists of Ballet, Jazz, Hip Hop & Tap
Jazz 6:00-6:50pm, Tap 5:00-5:50pm
Hip Hop 6:00-6:50pm, Ballet 5:00-5:50pm
Elective Add-ons: Are only $40 a month
Las Vegas (11 & up) teen
4 hours per week
Each week consists of Ballet, Jazz, Hip Hop & Lyrical
Ballet 7:00-7:50pm, hiphop 8:00-8:50
Lyrical 7:00-7:50pm jazz 8-8:50pm
Elective Add-ons: Are only $40 a month
New York (12 & up) Level 4/5
4 hours per week
Each week consists of Ballet, Jazz, Hip Hop & Lyrical
Contemporary 7:00-7:55, Jazz 8:00-8:55
HipHop 7:00-7:55, Ballet 8:00-8:55
Elective Add-ons: Are only $40 a month
Performance Classes
Jr Performance Team
Friday 5:00-5:50pm

Jump Encore!
Musical Theatre Performance Company
This year's productions:
The Addams Family, Ages 5-12, Thursday 5-5:55pm
Beauty and the Beast, Ages 7 & up, Monday 7-8:30pm
Dream of being a Broadway Star? Join our show!!